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Congratulation grads! | Cards & Key chain

Congratulation grads! | Cards & Key chain

Congratulation grads! | Cards & Key chain

Hello dear readers ..

I’m back with another sharing after I am away from my desk about 10 days 🙂

my elder son coming home for holiday .. of course I just want to spend my time for my kids because for me whenever my two sons being together at home is moments that nothing in this world can compared with 🙂 🙂

but today is the time to share .. the newest release from Magnolia stamp ..

and I also have a happy news that my youngest will be graduation from his high school .. yey!

a perfect moment to share my projects!


There are two images from this special collections;

This Graduation Edwin won my heart!!!

So special for me and so perfect this time 🙂


 But Student Tilda never lost her cuteness .. she always make me falling in love

and I am so happy to colored them


if you spot these key chain .. I made it from a dies named : Student cap from Magnolia DooHickey dies and it released together with the Student Tilda & Edwin

 if you want to watch the steps, I have the video and you can watch it at Magnolia YouTube channel as well.

Thank you so much for stopping by, Have a great day!
